Pick a Partner for THE INSURGENCE PODCAST July 24, 2020

I would assume by now that all of you who are subscribed to this Patheos Evangelical blog are also subscribed to THE INSURGENCE PODCAST, which is the #1 rated podcast on the kingdom of God.

There are 75 episodes on the podcast thus far and each episode interweaves and builds on the others.

Right now, the podcast is on pause until January 2021. This will give listeners time to catch up and binge on all the previous episodes and recommend the podcast with others who would benefit.

Now a question.

As you know, I’ve had four different conversation partners on the show so far.

Jeffrey (Denzel)

John N.

Nicky V.

Michael H.

My question — if you had to choose just 2 — who would you prefer I pick for the resumption of episodes?

AND if you could ADD one more person who hasn’t appeared on the show as a discussion partner, who would it be and WHY.

Type your answers in the comments.

It should have 3 names: 2 previous partners and 1 new one. (Yes, I can still add!)

Note: Only my team and I will be able to see your answers. We won’t make them public because we don’t want anyone’s answers to influence that of others.

GO ….

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