August 23, 2023

Israel’s Scriptures in Early Christian Writings: The Use of the Old Testament in the New is a new work in the line of others that show the connections between the First Testament and the Second Testament in the holy Scriptures. Students of Scripture will find this book useful. I cannot improve on how the publisher describes this work: Use, misuse, appropriation, citation, allusion, inspiration—how do we characterize the manifold images, paraphrases, and quotations of the Jewish Scriptures that pervade the... Read more

August 23, 2023

Mark Fairchild is a force of nature. He’s an expert on Paul’s travels, having been to the sites firsthand. His research is broad, and he’s known as “Indiana Mark.” His book Christian Origins in Ephesus & Asia Minor is an excellent look at the sites. And his film The Last Apostle — which you can watch on Amazon — is worth the time. Mark has been helpful in answering many of my questions for my upcoming book that reconstructs the... Read more

August 10, 2023

Today we are featuring one of the podcasters who is part of The Deeper Journey Podcast Cross-Promotion Group, which is a group of Christian podcasters who are seeking to make an impact in the world. Question 1: Introduce yourself by your name and something that your friends find interesting about you. Our names are Brian Johnson and Cory Ozbun. We’ve been running this podcast together for about three years. Most people tell us they love how much fun we have... Read more

August 4, 2023

Today we are featuring one of the podcasters who is part of The Deeper Journey Podcast Cross-Promotion Group, which is a group of Christian podcasters who are seeking to make an impact in the world. Question 1: Introduce yourself by your name and something that your friends find interesting about you. Hello my name is Lovell Fleming. I am a husband and the father of two.  I live in Lancaster California. Some interesting things about me are: I enjoy creating... Read more

August 2, 2023

This just dropped yesterday. It’s especially for those who preach and/or teach. Pastors, missionaries, church planters, Bible teachers, etc. If you’re not a pastor or teacher, no doubt you know some who will benefit. It’s only 24 minutes. It could change your life. Not for the faint in heart. GO HERE TO LISTEN TO IT. Also check out the IXP Mastermind for Leaders.         Read more

July 30, 2023

If you are a Christian podcaster, you’ll want to read this right away. If you’re not, but you KNOW a Christian podcaster, please pass this on to them. Because so many Christian podcasters want to have more impact with their podcasts, I recently created a new cross-promotional group for Christian podcasters. GO HERE FOR ALL THE DETAILS. The offer lasts until August 15th. The group is growing quickly, so get in before then. Again, please pass this on to any... Read more

July 17, 2023

As most of you know, I’m deep into my complete rewrite, revision, and expansion of my book The Untold Story of the New Testament Church, which I hope to release over the next few years. (If you’re are new to my work and you weren’t aware of this, DO NOT buy the old version. It’s flawed and grossly incomplete. Wait until the new version releases.) As I write the new revision, which currently is triple the size of the old... Read more

July 13, 2023

As most of you know, I’m deeply into my complete rewrite, revision, and expansion of my book The Untold Story of the New Testament Church, which I hope to release over the next few years. (If you’re are new to my work and you weren’t aware of this, DO NOT buy the old version. It’s flawed and grossly incomplete. Wait until the new version releases.) As I write the new revision, which currently is triple the size of the old... Read more

July 13, 2023

As most of you know, I’m deeply into my complete rewrite, revision, and expansion of my book The Untold Story of the New Testament Church, which I hope to release over the next few years. (If you’re are new to my work and you weren’t aware of this, DO NOT buy the old version. It’s flawed and grossly incomplete. Wait until the new version releases.) As I write the new revision, which currently is triple the size of the old... Read more

July 10, 2023

With over 5 million podcasts on the Internet today and over 400,000 podcast subscribers, OBSCURITY and feeling INVISIBLE is common for today’s Christian podcaster. You work so hard to produce quality episodes but battle discouragement because you don’t have the kind of IMPACT you want to see. This is precisely why many podcasters quit. Some podcasters join podcast networks that require you to run ads. But this is ineffective. I’ve just launched a new innovative group for Christian podcasters to... Read more

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