Jesus Blog: How Does God See You?

Jesus Blog: How Does God See You? November 1, 2014


More today from my Saturday “Jesus Blog” – a word from Jesus to you… 🙂

What is that you’re saying to yourself? Your frustration with your perceived flaws. Your quick anger at your perceived failures. Your desire to reshape and reorient things about you, and your fear and depression that you cannot.

Beloved? Where did you get this picture of yourself?

I wish you could see you as God sees you.

Because you would see yourself as lovely, and whole, and complete. You would see that you lack nothing. You are beautiful, you are full of love.

That’s the real you.

If you could see yourself through God’s eyes, even for just a moment, it would change everything.

Beloved, please, do not look at yourself as flawed – back up a bit. Ask God to show you who you really are. Because you are lovelier than you have ever realized.

I know you’re hurt. It was in those hurts that you learned to see yourself as broken, even unfixable. But that was a learned viewpoint, not innate.

The true you is unbreakable. Remember when you were tiny? Remember how much you loved your little self? You were right to love yourself like that! You are so lovable.

Keep pressing in. Ask God to show you the real you. We will heal those hurt places, and they will be the fount from which you will draw endless compassion for those similarly hurt. Trust me, and together we’ll fly.

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