What We All Need to Know About Conversion Therapy Bans

What We All Need to Know About Conversion Therapy Bans November 6, 2023

“Even in states with bans, the overwhelming percentage of conversion therapy still continues. Every state. Every day.”

I see them on a regular basis. Social media posts celebrating another state that has “banned” conversion therapy. This is great progress and I celebrate as well! These bans are a large step and critical in a journey to bring this horrible, harmful practice to light, helping make conversion therapy culturally unacceptable.

But it is vitally important to remember that, even in states with bans, the overwhelming percentage of conversion therapy still continues. Every state. Every day.

What!? How? That’s their little secret. Every ban has a religious exemption!

Most conversion therapy happens in protected churches and religious nonprofits, under programs such as “troubled teen” camps and weekends — led by pastors, youth ministers, and other non-professional counselors. Every state. Every day.

The techniques are disgusting… shame, relentless bullying, physical abuse, spiritual abuse.

The results are deadly… depression, self-hatred, self-harm, substance abuse, suicide.

What can we do?

Yes, keep working to bring about more bans to increase public awareness. Absolutely! And maybe work together on a long-term requirement that religious programs “do no harm.” If they do, they lose that religious exemption. Truth is, that could take quite a long time.

We we can do right now is reach the parents, understanding that the real key to ending conversion therapy is helping parents not send their kids there in the first place.

Let’s reveal it as so disgusting, so culturally unacceptable, that a parent would never even consider sending their child to something so evil and deadly.

Come alongside parents on their journey so they know they are not alone. Help them understand their children, keep them safe, keep their family strong, and help reconcile faith issues.

This is what FreedHearts does every day. And it’s working. We have connected with hundreds of thousands of parents, helping them affirm, accept and celebrate their LGBTQ+ children!

And we have connected with hundreds of thousands in the LGBTQ+ community to help with those deep religious, family and community wounds. To remember that they are worthy, that they matter, that they are beloved.

Stay strong, hopeful and dedicated. Conversion therapy’s little secret is becoming not so secret.

If we can help you in any way; to join us in this work; or to just come say hello, click here.


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