Christian Nationalism is Distorting Christ’s Message

Christian Nationalism is Distorting Christ’s Message September 10, 2024

Image by Beverly Lussier

In the heart of America, Christian nationalism is eroding the very essence of our values. Masquerading as faith, it poses a significant danger by distorting the beliefs and teachings of Jesus.

As the co-founder of FreedHearts, I’ve been a witness to the insidious effects of Christian nationalism.

It is a movement that intertwines religious identity with political power, elevating the interests of a chosen few above the welfare of all, including the welfare of the LGBTQ+ community, especially youth, especially transgender youth.

It manipulates Christianity itself. Through blind allegiance to a political figure, followers forsake the principles of love, compassion, and justice. This clouds moral judgment and perpetuates systemic oppression and marginalization.

The impact translates into policies and actions that actively harm marginalized groups, including LGBTQ+ individuals, people of color, the poor, women, immigrants, and religious minorities. Such actions stand in direct contradiction to the inclusive message of Jesus, who embraced the outcast and championed the marginalized.

Christians are called to emulate Jesus and be advocates for justice, and allies to the oppressed. Yet, Christian nationalism perverts this calling, weaponizing religion to justify discrimination and exclusion. Indefensible.

Amidst this storm, however, I believe there is hope. A growing number of Christians, and countless others are rising to challenge the toxic influence of Christian nationalism. They are reclaiming the true essence of faith, rooted in love and compassion, and working towards a society that reflects these values.

In Micah 6:8, there is guidance: “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

Let us heed these words and confront Christian nationalism with courage and conviction, standing on the side of the least of these, and embodying the transformative power of love.

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Christian Nationalism is Distorting Christ’s Message
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Christian Nationalism is Distorting Christ’s Message
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Christian Nationalism is Distorting Christ’s Message
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Christian Nationalism is Distorting Christ’s Message

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