Tim Kaine thinks America is with him on abortion – here’s why he’s dead wrong

Tim Kaine thinks America is with him on abortion – here’s why he’s dead wrong October 5, 2016
Earlier this month on Meet the Press, Hillary’s VP running mate trotted out the abortion industry and progressive left’s tried and true abortion talking points. As a proud Catholic and formerly claiming to be a conservative defender of the sanctity of life, Tim Kaine is now lockstep with Hillary Clinton, Planned Parenthood, and the abortion on-demand agenda.

LifeNews has details about his latest position:
[O]n Meet the Press, Democratic Vice Presidential pick Tim Kaine, attempted to make his pitch to Millennials by saying that they agree with Hillary Clinton and the Democratic platform on the big issues. One of the big issues is obviously abortion.

Part of what he said was: “Do you believe women should be able to make their own health care decisions, or don’t you? Millennials do, Hillary Clinton and I do, Donald Trump doesn’t.”

First of all, Kaine was using the typical lingo of the abortion movement. He means “abortion” when he talks about women making their own health decisions.

Secondly, he’s wrong that Millennials support the extreme positions on abortion that Clinton and her party do.

The reason Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton, and the rest lie and obfuscate about what millennials believe and what most Americans really believe is the real statistics aren’t on their side. You see, there’s a big divide between people who consider themselves “pro-life” or not and people who support restrictions on most abortions throughout most of the pregnancy.

While Tim Kaine gets in line for Hillary’s support of abortion whenever, wherever, paid by tax dollars, facts reveal something else all together. But facts are stubborn things.

LifeNews breaks it down:

So then why does Politifact say that Kaine is kind of right on this?

“…when Gallup surveyed abortion attitudes in 2015, it found that 53 percent of people age 18 to 34 identified themselves as ‘pro choice,’ versus 52 percent of 35- to 55-year-olds and 47 percent of people over 55…Clinton spokesman Josh Schwerin subsequently directed us to a Fox News survey taken last week that found 61 percent of registered voters under age 35 reported being pro-choice.”

Easy answer to this is that the pro-life label is tainted. At Students for Life of America, we never ask students on campus if they are pro-life or pro-choice. We ask them how far along in a pregnancy do they think abortion is ok.

While the IPA data showed 53% of millennials agree that abortion should be illegal in all or most circumstances, only 36% of the millennials polled consider themselves pro-life all or some of the time. That’s a huge gap between those who think abortion should be illegal all or most of the time and those who identify as pro-life.

In regards to the Gallup poll from 2015 that Politifact referenced, it’s not what it seems at first glance. The questions that tell bigger story are the ones that ask about legality of abortion in each trimester or ask about legality past a certain week.

In that Gallup poll, 19 percent of respondents said abortion should be illegal in all circumstances and 36 percent said it should be legal in only a few circumstances. Those two groups of respondents are 55 percent total, while people that said abortion should be legal in all and most circumstances amounted to 42 percent.

So Tim Kaine – maybe check with your Pope Francis about this issue. Maybe look beyond the labels and boxes that Hillary’s campaign cronies use in their briefings and consider what people actually believe.

Young people get this. They have seen ultrasound technology get better and better year after year, giving us an ever-clearer window into the womb.  They have seen babies moving on the ultrasound screen first hand.  They know that despite liberal euphemisms a fetus is a human being whose life is worth protecting.  And they know the pro-abortion industry and its political allies are lying more every day as they are beginning to loose their culture war.

Life will win in the end.  And sorry Tim Kaine, but most Americans, especially millennials, are on the side of life!

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