Watch the Media embarrass itself during Obama’s last press conference

Watch the Media embarrass itself during Obama’s last press conference January 25, 2017

Part of a functioning society requires the press function as a watch dog for the federal government.

However, it’s obvious that journalists consider the President as something between their best friend and a messiah figure.  Watch the last press conference that President Obama held and try not to be embarrassed for them:

But it’s not just President Obama for whom the media swoons. Back when everyone thought that Hillary Clinton would be our next President, check out their faces upon catching a glimpse of her:


The bottom line is that members of the media did not view themselves as watch dogs, but rather extensions of the White House media team. Perhaps the new administration will renew their vigor and journalistic acumen.  However, I somehow doubt they’ll be able to overcome their hatred of Donald Trump to clearly report on his successes or to hold him accountable for his weaknesses.

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