Video: Sister of man killed by Milwaukee Police tells rioters “take that sh-t to the suburbs”

Video: Sister of man killed by Milwaukee Police tells rioters “take that sh-t to the suburbs” August 15, 2016

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On Saturday afternoon, two Milwaukee police officers stopped two people in a car because the vehicle was behaving suspiciously. During the stop, they people in the car ran away from the police. During the ensuing chase, twenty-three year-old Sylville Smith, armed with a handgun, was killed by police.

Chaos ensued after the death. Last night, in what the media has dubbed the “night of shame,” looting, fire, and destruction of property occurred.

This photo — of looters stealing fake hair — spread over the internet:

Screen Shot 2016-08-15 at 8.51.38 AMBut the sister of the Sylville Smith spoke out about those looters — but not in the way you might expect.  Click CONTINUE to see her (understandably) emotional comments.

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