February 24, 2015

The law does not protect employees from “fear” of discrimination, but rather from actual discriminatory acts. Read more

February 19, 2015

Political correctness is changing America, and not always in the direction that the Left desires. Read more

February 18, 2015

Some of the best times of life happen in the denouement. Read more

February 13, 2015

The book of Job is shocking from the first chapter and continues to confuse until the very end. How do we make sense of it? Read more

February 13, 2015

Nelson Searcy's new book “Tongue Pierced" tries to get you to stop and think, before you tweet, post, or speak. How good is it? Read more

February 12, 2015

She knew the Spirit existed, even though He was mysteriously absent most of the time in sermons, classes, and conversations. Then, she realized how critical the Spirit is to our practical Christian life. How much had she been missing? GUEST POST and BOOK REVIEW! Read more

February 11, 2015

May God bless the families of the victims, and may God have mercy on the killer’s soul. If the reported facts are true — and he shot three people in cold blood for their faith, for their parking spot, or some other toxic reason — we should not have mercy on his life. The death penalty awaits. Read more

February 10, 2015

There are few moral fashions more tiresome than the largely liberal tendency to “apologize” for the actions of others — whether it’s America’s past sins, the sins of Medieval Christianity, or the actions of your contemporary political opponents. Read more

February 5, 2015

Like so many others, I find it impossible to believe Brian Williams simply “made a mistake.” At the risk of indulging in armchair pop psychology, I’d say it’s far more likely that a titanic ego collided with reality, and reality lost. Read more

February 5, 2015

It is simply not the business of the government to determine who may or may not serve as a minister of the Gospel — or a minister of any other faith. Read more

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