October 24, 2014

What is this absurd reason? They’re running a business. If pastors are operating a “for-profit” wedding chapel, then they must officiate at gay weddings regardless of their religious objections. Read more

October 22, 2014

So, instead of barring Israeli representatives attending in their official capacities, the ASA “will not prohibit anyone from registering or participating.” That’s a change, and that’s a victory — for now — over radical-left bigotry and discrimination... Read more

October 17, 2014

When my husband David joined the Army and was deployed to Iraq, there were certain... implications. For one year, I would be without someone to change the lightbulbs, help with the carpool line, or talk to me at dinner about anything beyond the ups and downs of elementary school life. Oh, and it also meant no sex. Read more

October 17, 2014

The message Houston is sending is clear: You’ll agree with our dictates or you’ll be humiliated. Read more

October 15, 2014

So, Christians on campus — to the extent you’re still allowed to meet and speak – now is your time to step into the breach with a sexual ethics that is actually viable, sustainable, and life-affirming, a sexual ethics that is grounded in eternal values. It will likely be the best message you will ever share. Read more

October 13, 2014

A young cancer patient named Brittany Maynard -- only twenty-nine years old -- has decided to take her own life on November 1st, in order to avoid all of the end-of-life drama, hospice, and pain which might be associated with the agony of cancer. The story of death on-one's-own-terms has resonated with America, as she advocate during her last days that everyone have access to assisted suicide. Here's another dying woman's response to Brittany. Read more

October 7, 2014

As Reinhold Niebuhr put it, “Nothing that is worth doing can be achieved in our lifetime. Therefore, we must be saved by hope. Nothing that is true or beautiful or good makes complete sense in any immediate context of history. Therefore, we must be saved by faith. Nothing we do however virtuous can be accomplished alone. Therefore, we must be saved by love. NO virtuous act is quite as virtuous from the standpoint of our friend or foe as it is from our standpoint. Therefore, we must be saved by the final form of love, which is forgiveness.” Read more

October 7, 2014

We cannot lose our character in conflict. Read more

September 30, 2014

Academic leftists are so used to talking to themselves (and their under-educated students), that they long ago passed the point of even realizing their own ignorance. Read more

September 22, 2014

John Oliver watched the Miss America pageant and decided to investigate its claims. Hilarious and true. Read more

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