November 10, 2014

“It seems winning the lottery can be like marrying Tom Cruise,” he explained. “Sure, it seems amazing in your mind. You might even dream about it happening one day. But if it actually does, five years later the magic will be over, you’ll be estranged from your family, and you will have seen things you can never un-see.” Read more

November 10, 2014

The ending of this commerical is so lovable we promise (and warn you) that you will probably die. But you will die happy and probably in the middle of saying: "awwwwww!" Read more

November 7, 2014

Thankfully, our kids don't choose us and (for the most part) we don't choose them. God, in his infinite wisdom, places people together in families according to his own plan. Still, I want to be a loving parent so that my kids would choose me... if given the option Read more

November 5, 2014

Let’s remember this night in two years, when the pundits will declare, with absolute authority, that Republicans should run away from social issues, leaving the field to the Democrats. Remember 2014, the night abortion lost. Read more

November 5, 2014

When faced with corruption and deception, it’s easy to lose hope. I confess that after seeing the lengths that some Democrats and leftists will go to to secure their hold on power, I’ve sometimes had a tendency to despair. Read more

November 3, 2014

Let’s be clear about what Amendment 1 actually does. It simply returns Tennessee to a legal posture where the “right” to an abortion is protected by Roe v. Wade and associated case law, not by strained misreadings of the Tennessee constitution. Read more

November 3, 2014

So, a “senior Obama administration official” called the prime minister of Israel — our closest ally in the Middle East and one of the few nations in the region that is not (a) imploding or (b) actively funding or supporting terrorists — “a chickenshit.” Read more

October 29, 2014

"Did your parents try to like bar the door and do everything in their power to prevent you from going, and telling you that you were making a huge mistake that you would always regret, that you are throwing your life away and throwing away everything that they had ever done to help you in life, etcetera?" NPR asked. Read more

October 29, 2014

This is one of the most honest, gut-wrenching scenes I've seen on television. In it, Jessie presents precisely half of the gospel. The character of Jessie realizes that he has sinned, and rejects the mealy-mouthed self-acceptance preached to him by the counselors. He knows that their "solution" has no teeth. Read more

October 29, 2014

Even amongst fellow conservatives, I can think of few people who are more unfairly misjudged and maligned. Read more

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