All’s I’m saying is…

All’s I’m saying is… December 9, 2009

Now, I try not to get too political here in the blog-o-sphere (there are enough blowhards spouting vitrol out here to fill up Lucas Oil stadium). I try not to get too political in general, mostly because I believe that both the Democrats and Republicans are pretty worthless, lack a backbone, have a moral compass that points due south, and are basically destroying our country though sound bite re-education.

That said, we’re probably going to have to pick two more “winners” in 2012 for the Presidency, and all’s I’m saying is, after their recent performance in regards to standing up for the unborn and their mothers, in regards to health care reform, what about:*txNiB6--ILdqFkRGBOmK00StHO4tgOo4EXv7c6zSimTNR2oVVzbdrOS2*wvg5OlXTvE*4w3p*B1Sv850ds5ZrvuGJ8LUny-/Ben_Nelson_official_photo.jpg

Nelson/Stupak 2012? Thoughts?

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