7 Quick Takes Friday: Prayers for Our Babies

7 Quick Takes Friday: Prayers for Our Babies August 16, 2013


First off, I want to thank you all so much for your prayers and well-wishes (and guesses!) from my last post. They mean so much. I’m always amazed at the kindness of internet folk (well, the internet folk who frequent here anyway…lets keep those riffraff out.)

After three hours at the hospital having 4 different ultrasounds (can’t wait for that bill!) I’m happy to say that we have two healthy little peanuts in here, and they totally phtotbombed each other during the ultrasound. It was awesome, seeing them kicking one another and their little heads coming close together at various times.

Yes, I’m going to reveal their gender(s)….but not till the end. Of course.


I have been reading this wonderful prayer book that a dear friend gave me during this pregnancy.

It’s called Prayers for Expectant Parents

Its very short, and has some wonderful prayers and passages broken up by trimester.

I wanted to share a few of the beautiful prayers that touched my heart.


“As you await your child (children’s) birth in faith, partners in God’s own love, may you already cherish the child you have conceived.”

-Catholic household blessings and prayers

“The waiting of pregnancy is like the waiting we do for God. We carry hidden within ourselves new life. Not simply in the sense of renewal, but new life particularized, personalized and uniquely enfleshed. We wait with unimaginable longing to see the face of the one we know to be already with us. Like an unborn child, the life of God grows unseen though profoundly felt. Insistently pushing and prodding us, enlarging the contours of our lives and our hearts, as intimate to us as our own breathing, yet utterly other, the divine presence waits to be born.”

– Wendy M. Wright


Fellow travellers on the IF journey will recognize this one…

“Hannah said, ‘For this child I have prayed; and the Lord granted the petition that I made to him. Therefore, I have lent him to the Lord, as long as he lives, he is given to the Lord.”

– 1 Samuel 1:27-28


My Lord and Redeemer,

Inside me is a sanctuary where You abide. Inside my womb you fashion our child(ren) and define every feature. The thought of your work is more than I can comprehend, and yet, I delight in knowing you are here…I ask for these babies that their hearts will be perfect. Eight flawless chambers beating in perfect sync. From there I envision the rest of their bodies that have just begun: spinal cord, lungs, and brain. Of Lord, our creator, please complete each detail with precision and strength.

As the faces and limbs begin to form, please grow sturdy bones and sound muscles. Make their eyes much stronger than mine. Give these dear little ones ears that will hear for a lifetime. Give them strong minds that will serve as an oasis for truth and wisdom. Lord, please oversee my babies’ growth. Give our children legs to run and arms to hug. Fashion hands that are skillful, yet loving.

I trust You to provide all that is needed.

Remember our babies until they are complete. Keep them safe inside until their time is appointed. I have faith because You are the maker of all, You stretched out the heavens, and spread out the earth. Your presence gives me peace. I will wait patiently while you work.

-Angela Thomas Guffey


Love that little prayer book!

So Tuesday was a big day for our family. Maggie was very excited to come with us to the hospital to “meet” her siblings. For a 2.5 year old she did a phenomenal job of sitting in the exam room and made it nearly 3/4 of the way through the marathon before needed to make an exit with Daddy.

If you’ll recall, Maggie’s very first reaction, when we told her that Mommy was going to have a baby was…”Brother and Sister”.

It made me wonder, just a little. Then when we found out there were twins….it made me wonder a little bit more.

On Tuesday, we wondered no longer!

Our Maggie was……RIGHT!

We are having a BROTHER and a SISTER!!!!!!!

Baby A is our son, and Baby B our daughter. It literally chokes me up just to type that, let alone say it. We have a son and a daughter. God is very good.

Everybody looks healthy and of course baby boy wasted no time in showing off his…ahem, area. Baby girl was snuggling with the placenta for most of the ultrasound, so we weren’t 100% sure until right at the end.

We turned to Maggie and told her, “You have a brother and a sister!”

To which she responded with a look like this:

Uh, Mom, I’ve known that since May. Hello, remember I told you?

She was more impressed with the trip to Chick-fil-a after the appointment. Life with toddlers.


Thanks again for your prayers and guesses, and go see Jen for more awesome quick takes. But none are as awesome as these this week.

Happy Friday!

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