7 Quick Takes Friday: Twins Update

7 Quick Takes Friday: Twins Update December 13, 2013


I can’t believe we’ve been home for a full week already, and that Charlie and Mary Cate will be two weeks old on Monday.

What I also really can’t believe is that earlier this week we had the coldest night we’ve had since February 2011, otherwise known as the last time we had a newborn at home. Sorry guys, we’re gonna have a suck winter because apparently they only come around on the winters when we’ve got babies at home. Which wouldn’t be too bad, and really its not, but it does tend to make me feel cooped up and a little stir-crazy to not be able to get everyone out for even a walk.


But other than the weather, things are going really well. Really. As well as they can be with two babies!

As of yesterday, both babies are back to their birth weights and Charlie has even gained two additional ounces. This is such good news, because pre-term babies can be at higher risk for not gaining well.

They both are eating like champs, and the only issue really is that Charlie spits up every couple of feedings. Mary Cate poops a lot, but that’s pretty normal baby behavior.


In case you were wondering, I am not breastfeeding. That’s probably why things are going so well. It was absolutely 100% the best choice for the whole family. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do, but I had a pretty terrible reaction to the anesthesia after the c-section. I spent 3 hours throwing up and then I was unbearably itchy from head to toe for 12 hours. I chapped my face from scratching at it so much. So…when they asked me if I wanted to breastfeed, when I could stop barfing long enough to answer, I said, “No. No I do not. I just can’t.”

And it’s been great. Charlie is on preemie formula because he was smaller at birth and a few days shy of full term. I know I would be so worried about if he was getting enough or gaining enough because of my supply issues.

I knew I made the right decision when the post-partum support counselor (who is also a lactation consultant) came and spent some time with us, and went over all of the risk factors for PPD and how many of them I have (a lot) and when I explained to her the experience I had breastfeeding, she said, “Sounds to me like you made the best choice.”

Me too.


A friend came and took some awesome newborn photos, so I’m going to round out today’s quick takes with photos of these sweet little peanuts.

-1Mary Cate


-2Charlie and Mary Cate — a perfect pair




-5Charlie and Mary Cate


Go see Jen for more quick takes and happy weekend!

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