October 7, 2009

The whole month of October is dedicated to the Rosary; and today is the feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary. October 7 was declared the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary in the 17th century. The rosary is one of the oldest forms of prayer in the Church. There are four sets of mysteries which one meditates upon while praying the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be, at various times. These mysteries are scenes from the... Read more

October 6, 2009

As some of you may know, I have been trying to discern what God is calling my next steps to be in life. Atticus and I are trying to conceive, and with many prayers and God’s grace, we will soon. Recently I have felt drawn to the idea of social work. It’s something I considered in college briefly, but abandoned because of the horror stories I heard of burnout, low pay and other trials that come with traditional social work... Read more

October 5, 2009

all my sisters who have either thrown away the Pill, or always knew they were better off without it! Here’s to the real pioneers of “natural lifestyle”. Read more

October 3, 2009

It’s the first Saturday of October — which means, in addition to Notre Dame football, it’s the Saturday Evening Blog Post, hosted by the lovely Elizabeth Esther. This is how it works; you pick your favorite post for the previous month. The post which you think defines the essence of your blog and introduces new readers to you. If you’re stopping by for the first time from EE’s — Welcome! Thanks for stopping by and getting to know me a... Read more

October 2, 2009

** 1 ** Last night Atticus and I went to see Yo-Yo Ma at the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra to hear Dvorak’s Cello concerto. That’s him. He is a wonderful performer. I was never really into classical music until I met Eric. He is a cellist, and much more versed in classical music than I am. I have really enjoyed getting to learn more about classical pieces, especially for cello. I think it’s one of the most beautiful and versatile instruments.... Read more

October 1, 2009

Or, Happy feast day St. Therese! Therese of Lisieux lived a life of obscurity. She became much more popular in death than she ever was in life. Yet she lived what we are all called to — a little way of holiness, that entails giving up one’s self and doing small, unknown, acts of love and service for others. She sought to do this with her whole life. The following taken from the Society of St. Therese: Therese spent the... Read more

October 1, 2009

I spent about 30 minutes composing a blog post that was mostly disjointed thoughts about career discernment. I was at Borders. Then, most inexplicably, something happened to the internet connection and poof! — my post was gone. I then had quick dinner and a planning meeting for 40 Days for Life, which I am helping out with this fall. SO, I haven’t had time to sit down and try to recapture the thoughts I had down here this afternoon. I... Read more

September 29, 2009

This list is hilarious and true — and posted from That Married Couple. Go check out this awesome blog! http://thatmarriedcouple.blogspot.com You know you’re an NFP couple when… 1. “That time of the month” means your fertile time, not your period. 2. Your husband informs you that your period will start in the next two days (based on your temperature, not on your mood). 3. You refuse to take any medication that’s not absolutely necessary out of fear that it will... Read more

September 28, 2009

As today is a busy, busy day filled with errands, ob-gyn appointment, ultrasound, and lamaze class, I am re-posting (with a few updates!) this post on the feast of the angels from last fall. Enjoy! So tomorrow is one of my favorite feast days in all the Church — the feasts of Sts. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael! Gabriel and Raphael are cool, for sure, but I have a soft spot in my heart for St. Michael. Of course, Atticus and... Read more

September 28, 2009

I’ve decided on Atticus! After some input from my husband — which means, he read my post, walked into the room and said, “Don’t call me ‘The Lawyer’, that’s boring!” He’s nothing if not direct. Read more

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