Baseball predictions result show

Baseball predictions result show November 3, 2014

Here at the Cranach Institute, we not only make predictions, we check them.  Twice at this blog, at the beginning of the baseball season and at the beginning of the playoffs, we held a forum to predict what baseball teams would make it through the playoffs and which one would win the World Series.

We now know that the Kansas City Royals and the San Francisco Giants, the two wild-card teams, met in the World Series.  After the full seven games–all of them quite exciting, with Giants pitcher Madison Bumgarner somehow winning three of them–San Francisco won, for the third time in five years.

So did anyone predict these outcomes?  The answer after the jump.

The first time we made predictions, back on April 1 at the very beginning of the season, it was all Dodgers, Tigers, Rangers, Yankees, and Red Sox.  No one even came close.

More recently, at the beginning of the playoffs, the teams mentioned were the Nationals, Orioles, Dodgers, and Cardinals.  But we have a winner for the person who came the closest.  The entry was hesitant, uncertain, and not entirely correct.  But at least it mentioned one of the contending teams as a hope.

So the winner is Dan13, who said, “I’d like to see a Royals-Pirates World Series, but I think it’ll be the Dodgers over the Orioles.”

"I may, but until then, I trust you."

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