Abortionist on the video is a government consultant on healthy babies

Abortionist on the video is a government consultant on healthy babies July 24, 2015

The Planned Parenthood doctor on the video who casually talked about crushing infants in just the right spot to sell their organs is a long-time consultant for government health agencies, including one dedicated to ensuring that babies are “born healthy.”  And she is not the only abortionist hired by the administration for lucrative consulting gigs.   Mary Rice Hasson of the Ethics & Public Policy Center did the research, as you will see after the jump.

From Mary Rice Hasson, EXCLUSIVE: Feds Paid Baby Organ-Harvesting Doc For Advice On ‘Healthy Baby’ Births – Ethics & Public Policy Center:

Deborah Nucatola—the Planned Parenthood doc with the stone-cold heart and the lucrative skill of “crushing” babies in just the right spot—has been advising the Obama administration on family planning policy since 2010.

From April 2010 through April 2014, Nucatola was one of several experts the U.S. Health and Human Services Office of Population Affairs (OPA) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Division of Reproductive Health tasked with creating federal guidelines for “quality family planning services.” A member of the “Expert Work Group” and the “Technical Panel on Clinical Women’s Services,” Nucatola was actively engaged in the “multistage process” that produced the government’s 2014 report, “Providing Quality Family Planning Services” (QFP).

Her responsibilities as a “technical” consultant and an “expert” included analyzing research summaries and professional advisories, providing “individual feedback” on the government’s initial recommendations, “reviewing” the CDC-OPA staff’s “core recommendations,” giving her expert “opinion,” and then approving the recommendations. (See the report’s appendices for the names of Expert Work Group members and technical experts, and detailed descriptions of the experts’ involvement in formulating the report’s recommendations.)

What’s the goal of those government recommendations? To help “clients…achieve their desired number and spacing of children and increase the likelihood that those children are born healthy.”

Leave it to the Obama administration to tap an abortionist for “expert” advice on ensuring that children are “born healthy”—an abortionist, mind you, who relishes butchering a “17-weeker” and bagging up a tiny infant’s “heart, lung, liver” to sell for a few extra bucks.

[Keep reading. . .]

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