Jim Webb makes Democrat #5

Jim Webb makes Democrat #5 July 3, 2015

Jim Webb has announced that he is running for the Democratic nomination for president, the fourth candidate challenging Hillary Clinton.

Webb may be one of the most interesting and complex candidates in the race:  Secretary of the Navy for Ronald Reagan, former Senator from Virginia, a Viet Nam War hero, a novelist, a scholar.  Webb is a staunch defender of the military who is anti-war, a populist, someone who is running to the left of Mrs. Clinton who nevertheless has some  conservative positions.  The author of an excellent book on the Scotch-Irish, Webb is an advocate of the Democrats’ old constituency of “the common man,” who in the midst of the recent backlash against the Confederate flag, tried to explain the complexities of that symbol in Southern culture.

Any of you supporting him?

From Jim Webb announces 2016 presidential bid – CNNPolitics.com:

Former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb announced Thursday that “after many months of thought, deliberation and discussion” he has decided to run for president of the United States.

In an over 2,000-word blog post, Webb writes that he decided to run because the United States needs “proven, experienced leadership that can be trusted to move us forward from a new President’s first days in office.”

Highlighting his experience as a senator, decorated soldier and and secretary of the navy under Ronald Reagan, Webb cast himself as someone willing to fight on issues he cares about, including criminal justice reform, education and economic fairness.

Webb becomes the fifth Democrat to join the primary contest. Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state and first lady, is the race’s frontrunner, with every poll showing her up by wide margins. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is experiencing a recent jump in the polls and in excitement, while former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley and former Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee have stagnated since announcing they would run.

[Keep reading. . .] 

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