John Kasich joins the GOP race

John Kasich joins the GOP race July 22, 2015

Ohio Governor John Kasich  threw his hat into the ring, announcing that he is running for president in a speech filled with compassion and God-talk.  He is the 16th Republican candidate.   Can anyone make the case for John Kasich?

From John Kasich’s Big Tent Presidential Strategy: ‘Black, Brown, White – It Doesn’t Matter’ – ABC News:

Ohio Gov. John Kasich is casting a wide net at the start of his presidential campaign, hoping to bridge racial and economic divides on his way to the Republican nomination.

“If you’re poor, if you’re black, if you’re brown, if you’re struggling, we care about you,” ABC News’ Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos in an exclusive interview. “And we’re going to work to make sure you’re included in the American dream.”

Kasich, the two-term governor of the critical swing state of Ohio, became the 16th candidate to join the race for the GOP nomination on Tuesday.

“I care about them. I want them to have a good life,” he continued. “I want their kids to have a good life: black, brown, white, doesn’t matter, hurt, addicted, big trouble or rich.”

[Keep reading. . .] 

Gov. Kasich’s announcement speech included quite  a bit of moral and spiritual reflection, as Bridget Johnson reports:

Surrounded by a crowd at his alma mater Ohio State, Gov. John Kasich jumped into the presidential race today in an unscripted address that touched heavily on themes of personal responsibility, empathy and man’s duty to serve others.

“If we’re not born to serve others, what were we born to do?” Kasich said.

The former congressman and onetime Fox News host stressed that “policy is far more important than politics, ideology or any of the other nonsense we see” and mused on challenges faced by various communities, including minority communities.

“If you are a member of the minority community, an African-American? You wonder: The system, I think, sometimes doesn’t just work for me but sometimes I feel like that system works against me. And you think about the troubles that many of our African-Americans still face today in a world where we have worked to provide equal rights and opportunities,” Kasich said. “Sometimes they are not so sure and I don’t blame them.”. . .

And the former House Budget Committee chairman vowed his “top priority will get this country on a path to fiscal independence, strength, and we will rebuild the economy of this country, because creating jobs is our highest moral purpose, and we will move to get that done.”

“…And as I hope you all know, economic growth is not an end unto itself. If you’re drug addicted, we’re going to try to rehab you and get you on your feet. If you’re mentally ill, prison is no place for you. Some treatment and some help is where you need to be. If you’re the working poor, we’re going to give you an opportunity to take a pay raise and not bang you over the head because you’re trying to get ahead. Well, we’re changing that system. If you have an autistic son or daughter, for most of them, they can get insurance, and we’ll work to make sure all of them have it. For the developmentally disabled, they’re made in God’s image. They have a right to rise, they have to be successful.”. . .

The governor stressed that “if you save one life, you changed the world. And the Lord will record what you’ve done for another in the Book of Life.”

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