The abortion empire strikes back

The abortion empire strikes back August 18, 2015

Planned Parenthood is rallying, attempting to prosecute the filmmakers and getting lots of support from other liberal judges, state Attorney Generals, and Democratic lawmakers.  That’s like in Ben Jonson’s Volpone, when the villain, though caught red-handed, plays the legal system so that the good guys who caught him are the ones who go jail!

Also the Obama administration is threatening states who cut off funding for the organization, saying this would violate federal law.  (See this  for those threats, other legal action, and some latest developments in the Planned Parenthood scandal.)

That group that made the Planned Parenthood videos has another one  showing the goings on at an annual meeting of abortion providers.  It must be very incriminating, since the abortionist activists went to a federal court to prevent its release.  The judge who issued the restraining order is himself a big fund-raising bundler for President Obama, and his wife is a pro-abortion activist.   Mollie Hemingway tells the tale after the jump. . . .

From Mollie Hemingway, Wife Of Judge Who Blocked Pro-Life Videos Is A Pro-Abortion Activist:

The federal judge who late Friday granted a temporary restraining order against the release of recordings made at an annual meeting of abortion providers wasn’t just appointed by President Barack Obama, the most extreme proponent of abortion ever to hold the White House. He was also one of President Obama’s top fundraisers, a bundler who raised at least $200,000 for Obama and donated $30,800 to committees supporting him, according to Public Citizen.

Judge William H. Orrick, III, granted the injunction just hours after the order was requested by the National Abortion Federation.

Orrick’s wife, Caroline “Linie” Farrow Orrick, is a clown and artist with an interest in outdoor athletic endeavors. She partners with her husband in their political decisions and she is his co-bundler according to Public Citizen. She’s also a public supporter of extreme abortion policies.

Her YouTube user page shows that the first video she ever “liked” was from an extreme pro-abortion group called the Center for Reproductive Justice. The slick, celebrity-laden video called for people to sign a “bill of rights” that asserts a right to abortion on demand through all nine months of pregnancy, a position shared by very few Americans. It further calls for taxpayer funding of contraception, abortifacients and abortion. And, finally, it says that all health care plans should be required under penalty of law to cover abortion, abortifacients, and other anti-reproductive services — even if they have religious objections such as those held by the Little Sisters of the Poor.

[Keep reading. . .] 

Judges recuse themselves for much less.  But I wonder what’s on those tapes.

HT:  D. E.  Hinkle

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