Bill to defund Planned Parenthood failed to pass

Bill to defund Planned Parenthood failed to pass September 25, 2015

All of the Democrats plus 8 Republicans voted against a Senate bill that would defund Planned Parenthood, shifting the money instead to women’s health clinics.

The bill was part of a measure to fund the government, so if it shuts down on October 1, that should properly be on the Democrats (and the eight Republicans).

But House Speaker Boehner is now planning to offer two separate bills:  one to fund the government and one to defund Planned Parenthood. 

From Democrats block Planned Parenthood defunding; McConnell offers ‘clean bill’:

Senate Democrats blocked a bill Thursday to keep the government funded through Dec. 11 because of a Republican provision to strip Planned Parenthood of federal money for a year.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., moved immediately after the vote to try to avert an Oct. 1 government shutdown by filing a new bill that funds federal agencies but does not include the divisive Planned Parenthood provision. A vote on that bill could come as early as Monday.

Senators voted 52-47 Thursday against advancing a government funding bill by McConnell that would have transferred $235 million from Planned Parenthood to women’s health clinics that don’t perform abortions. Eight Republicans joined all but one Democrat in voting against the motion to advance the bill.

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