Babies are now living before they are legally “viable”

Babies are now living before they are legally “viable” October 2, 2015

Legally, a fetus is not considered “viable” until 24 weeks, at which time certain protections may kick in.  But now, according to a new study, a baby may very well be viable–that is, able to survive outside the womb–at 22 weeks, and possibly earlier, especially as medical technology keeps getting better.

From Courtney Crandell, Evidence Mounts for Viability of Babies not Considered Legally ‘Human’ – Christian News Headlines:

A new study published Sept. 8 found that more infants born before 28 weeks gestation are surviving without disease or other complications compared to 20 years ago. The findings cast further doubt on the adequacy of the viability standard for protecting the unborn.

The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, examined 35,000 premature births between 1993 and 2012 at 26 U.S. centers participating in the Neonatal Research Network. It broadens a previous study published in May that found an increased survival rate for infants born at 22 weeks. The May study examined 5,000 infants born at 27 weeks or earlier between 2006 and 2011. . . .

Despite the new research, babies are still only legally considered viable at 24 weeks. But Dr. Edward Bell, co-author of the May study, told The New York Times that 22 weeks should be the new viability standard. “I guess we would say that these babies deserve a chance,” he said.


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