Canadian Lutheran schools & LGBTQ laws

Canadian Lutheran schools & LGBTQ laws February 9, 2016

The government of Alberta has decreed that all schools must conform to its LGBTQ-affirming guidelines, apparently including private (and thus Christian) schools.  After the jump, a statement from the president of the Alberta district of the Lutheran Church of Canada.

From Glenn Schaeffer, Canadian Lutheran Online » Blog Archive » Response to Alberta Government’s Proposed Gender Guidelines:

The Alberta NDP government is insisting that all school districts adopt proposed guidelines that “create learning environments that respect diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions.” Schools should provide a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment for all students regardless of the challenges they experience. But, in the name of fostering diversity and inclusion, the NDP government is imposing an extreme form of gender identity that is contrary to the expressed will of our Creator who created “man in his own image, in the image of God, he created him; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27).

The government’s proposed policies also fail to respect the privacy and rights of other students and their parents who think expressions of the LGBTQ lifestyle are immoral and who are uncomfortable having transgender students in their change rooms and bathrooms.

The Edmonton Metro (January 29-31, 2016) observed that a “loophole in Alberta’s School Acts means private schools may not be bound by laws requiring schools to create new policies for LGBTQ students” but the same article quotes Jeremy Nolais, Minister Eggen’s press secretary as saying, “Private schools still need to be providing safe and caring settings that recognize the requirements and grounds for discrimination in the Alberta Humans Rights Act and other applicable legislation, like the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.” Private schools, like St. Matthew’s Lutheran Academy School in Stony Plain, are safe and caring settings for children and yet, these guidelines may have a significant impact on their future sustainability, especially if the government ties funding to these policies.

[Keep reading. . .]

HT:  Two Kingdoms Liberty Wire

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