Back to Denmark

Back to Denmark March 4, 2016

Last Fall, as some of you will remember, I spent a couple of weeks on a speaking tour of Scandinavia. (See the series of posts including this one and this one and this one and this one and this one and this one.)  I was invited back.  Tomorrow I catch a plane to Denmark, where I will be giving a series of lectures at a big Inner Mission conference.  So I’m excited about that.

What about the blog while I’m gone?  I’m not sure of my access to the internet all of the time, and the time difference will be crazy.  But I should be able to give dispatches from time to time.

In addition, I have written a number of posts ahead of time, and they’ll be scheduled to come up during the week that I’ll be gone.  In fact, I have a series of posts on this blog’s great theme of VOCATION (what else?) that I think will interest you.

So stay tuned and say a prayer for me from time to time.   So Farvel og Gud velsigne dig!

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