Terrorists attack Brussels

Terrorists attack Brussels March 23, 2016

Terrorists attacked Brussels, Belgium, bombing a metro station and the check-in area at the airport.  Over 30 people are dead, with more than 200 injured.  ISIS claims responsibility.

Brussels is the headquarters of the European Union, which has been supporting Muslim immigration and peace and tolerance for all.  Such kindness, though, means nothing to the terrorist mind.

From The Islamic State claims responsibility for the Brussels attacks – The Washington Post

Three terrorist blasts rocked the Belgian capital Tuesday, leaving more than 30 people dead at the Brussels airport and a metro station and striking fear in the heart of the European Union just days after a manhunt captured a key suspect in last year’s Paris massacres.

The Islamic State asserted responsibility for the attacks, according to a statement posted on the Amaq Agency, a website believed to be close to the extremist group. The message said Belgium was targeted for its participation in an international coalition battling the Islamic State.

If the Islamic State link is confirmed, it would mark another deadly strike less than a week after a suicide blast in Istanbul that killed five people, two them with dual American-Israeli citizenship.

Belgian police released surveillance images of three men pushing luggage carts at the Brussels airport. They asked for help in identifying one man dressed in white, who they said was on the loose. Local reports said police believe that the other two men died in the explosions.

The apparently coordinated explosions in Brussels — including at least one by a suicide bomber at the airport — created a renewed sense of threat that spilled far beyond Brussels, as authorities boosted police patrols in cities such as Paris, London and Washington.

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