And now, euthanasia for obsessive cleaning

And now, euthanasia for obsessive cleaning May 16, 2016

The Netherlands has extended its legalized euthanasia program to include people with mental and emotional problems.  Victims of sexual abuse are now being euthanized, as is at least one woman with a obsessive compulsion to clean.

From Dutch euthanasia extends to woman being killed by doctors for cleaning obsession | Daily Mail Online:

She is a conventional mother who enjoys life with her two children and husband in a farming town 100 miles away from Holland’s razzmatazz capital of Amsterdam. Helena waves her youngsters off to school every morning, puts their dinner on the table at night and strongly values the importance of her close-knit family.

The 40-year-old’s gentle lifestyle could not be further removed from the euthanasia industry which has given Holland a notorious reputation all over the world. The latest figures show that last year 5,516 Dutch people — including children — were legally killed by lethal injection administered by doctors trained to do the task with rapid efficiency.

Helena is now dealing with the revelation that her sister Jackie wants to die by euthanasia, too. This follows a traumatic childhood experience when she was sexually abused at five years old and developed depression as a result.

[Keep reading. . .]

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