Back to protests, riots, and May Day demonstrations

Back to protests, riots, and May Day demonstrations May 2, 2016

Protesters, mostly Hispanics, rioted at a Donald Trump campaign event in Orange County last weekend.  They tried to block the candidate from getting to the stage, forcing hm to climb a fence.  He quipped, “It felt like I was crossing the border.”  In Sacramento, protesters burned the American flag and flew the Mexican flag.  Latino activists promise more of the same if Trump gets the Republican nomination.

You would think they would realize that such behavior confirms Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric and that they are only getting him more votes.

But all of this seems to be part of a leftist revival, a back-to-the-seventies kind of activism.  Thus, yesterday, May 1, the international socialist holiday, was marked in the United States and throughout the world by huge May Day demonstrations.

From Violent protesters force Trump to climb over wall to get to event | New York Post:

An angry mob broke through steel barricades and tried to storm a Donald Trump appearance in California on Friday — a second day of protests that forced the billionaire to sneak inside by climbing over a wall.

“That was not the easiest ­entrance I’ve ever made,” Trump said as he began his speech at the Hyatt Regency near San Francisco’s airport in Burlingame.

“It felt like I was crossing the border, actually.”

Protesters threw eggs at police officers and shouted obscenities at those entering the luncheon to hear Trump’s speech.

Some carried Mexican flags in protest of Trump’s proposal to build a wall along the Mexican border.

“Would you protect Hitler?” one protester shouted at police trying to control the crowds.

The chaos took place a day ­after 20 people were arrested outside an Orange County rally that left one Trump supporter with his face bloodied in a scuffle as he tried to drive away.

[Keep reading. . .] 

See also this for details about the riots.

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