Classical Lutheran Education

Classical Lutheran Education May 26, 2016

The Lutheran educational tradition, according to Thomas Korcok, is classical liberal arts education + catechesis.  In his book Lutheran Education, Dr. Korcok, now a professor at Concordia Chicago, shows how the enthusiasts just wanted Bible-reading schools; the humanists just wanted classical education; the pietists just wanted vocational training; the Enlightenment just wanted science education–but orthodox Lutherans at every stage insisted on classical education + catechesis.  More and more Lutheran schools are returning to that double emphasis.

The 16th annual conference of the Consortium for Classical Lutheran Education will be held at Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, IN, July 19-21.  The theme will be “A Pedagogy of Goodness” (the last two years featuring the other absolutes of truth and beauty).  Dr. Korcok will be one of our speakers.  I’ll be leading a series of workshops on Moral Education and Literature.  See the other speakers and topics after the jump.

As well as teachers, principals, and pastors, we welcome homeschoolers, future teachers, students, and anybody just interested in the Lutheran approach to classical Christian education.

Go here  for details and registration information.  I’d love to see you there and meet you in person!  


Classical Lutheran Education: A Pedagogy of Goodness

LOCATION: Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne, IN

DATE: July 19-21, 2016

REGISTER:  —> Register Now! <— (Costs shown on page)

PRINTABLE FLYER: Promotional flier for CCLE XVI

Plenary Speaker

Dr. Scott Ashmon
Assistant Provost for Undergraduate Education
Author of The Idea and Practice of a Christian University: A Lutheran Approach
Concordia University Irvine

Conference Banquet Speaker

Dr. E. Christian Kopff
Associate Professor of Classics and Author of The Devil Knows Latin: Why America Needs the Classical Tradition
University of Colorado, Boulder

Speakers include

Dr. G. E. Veith — Moral Education and Literature
Dr. Steven Hein — Culture Wars: The Battle over Language for our Children
Dr. Angus Menuge — Liberation from Captivity: The Genius of Lutheran Liberal Arts Education
Dr. Thomas Korcok — How Piaget, Erikson, & Vygotsky Oppose Classical Education
Dr. Korey Maas — Natural Law: Classical, Lutheran, and Necessary
Dr. Jim Tallmon — Rhetoric as the Intellectual Love of God
Dr. Jackie Veith — CCLE Teacher Certification and School Accreditation
Rev. Paul Cain — Law and Gospel
Rev. Robert Paul — What is Lutheran about Classical Lutheran Education?
Cheryl Swope — What is Classical Lutheran Education?
Erika Mildred — Good Teaching and the Trivium

Plus sessions on

Practicality and Pedagogy: How to Teach; Vocation and Children; Cultivating Empathy;
Teaching Right from Wrong; Goodness and the Quadrivium: Math, Music, and Science

This conference is the second in a triad of themes:
XV Classical Lutheran Education: A Pedagogy of Beauty
–> XVI Classical Lutheran Education: A Pedagogy of Goodness <–
XVII Classical Lutheran Education: A Pedagogy of Truth

Note also: We plan to offer a children’s program for ages 3-12. Wittenberg Academy [an online high school] will offer a teen program for ages 13-18.

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