“A third sex”

“A third sex” June 30, 2016

So far “transgender” has involved men identifying themselves as women, and vice versa.  But now another option has been legally recognized, changing your sex to “non-binary.”  This is being described as neither one nor the other, “a third sex.”

Perhaps this is the utopian ideal that all of the other sex and gender controversies have been pointing to.  Eliminating sex and gender as categories all together.  An individual might fall in love with another individual–or have sexual desire for that person–and it doesn’t matter what sexes or genders are involved.  The begetting of children has been ruled out anyway, so what does it matter?  (Is there any way to answer this?  We can invoke nature, but those caught up in these ideologies reject nature, though it always seems to have its way eventually.)

From Oregon court allows person to change sex from ‘female’ to ‘non-binary’ | OregonLive.com:

An Oregon judge ruled Friday that a transgender person can legally change their sex to “non-binary” rather than male or female in what legal experts believe is a first in the United States.

Multnomah County Circuit Court Judge Amy Holmes Hehn legally changed 52-year-old Jamie Shupe‘s sex from “female” to non-binary.

Nancy Haque, a co-executive director for Basic Rights Oregon, called the ruling a “momentous day for genderqueer Oregonians.”

“It’s really exciting for the courts to actually recognize what we know to be true: gender is a spectrum,” Haque said. “Some people don’t identify as male or female.”

Shupe, an Army veteran who retired in 2000 a sergeant first class, began transitioning in 2013 while living in Pittsburg. Shupe knew then that neither male nor female fit. Shupe chose “Jamie” as a new first name primarily because it is a gender-neutral name. Shupe prefers to be called “Jamie,” rather than by a pronoun.

“I was assigned male at birth due to biology,” Shupe said. “I’m stuck with that for life. My gender identity is definitely feminine. My gender identity has never been male, but I feel like I have to own up to my male biology. Being non-binary allows me to do that. I’m a mixture of both. I consider myself as a third sex.”

But female or male were the only legal options Shupe saw then. Shupe chose female, but female never felt right. In April, Shupe and lawyer Lake Perriguey filed a petition with the Oregon court to legally change Shupe’s sex.

 [Keep reading. . .]

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