Reagan’s attempted assassin is freed

Reagan’s attempted assassin is freed July 28, 2016

John Hinckley, who tried to kill Ronald Reagan in 1981, will be released from the mental hospital where he has been confined.  He fired six shots, wounding the president and four others, including James Brady, who was seriously injured.  His death two years ago from long-term complications was ruled a homicide.

From Judge grants John Hinckley Jr. his freedom decades after Reagan assassination attempt | Fox News:

The man who tried to kill President Ronald Reagan is set to go free, after a judge decided Wednesday to allow would-be assassin John Hinckley Jr. to live with his mother in Virginia full-time.

Hinckley is set to begin his “convalescent leave” on Aug. 5, according to U.S. District Judge Paul Friedman’s order.

“I’m very glad this happened after Mrs. Reagan passed on,” said Reagan’s 1984 campaign manager Ed Rollins, referencing the death of Nancy Reagan in March. “It would have been a very disturbing thing for her.”

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