Sanders supporters boo calls for party unity

Sanders supporters boo calls for party unity July 26, 2016

The first day of the Democratic National Convention was marked by boos, shout downs, and loud protests on the part of Bernie Sanders supporters whenever a speaker called for the party to unite behind Hillary Clinton.  They even booed Sanders when he said that!

From Sanders delegates revolt on convention floor – POLITICO:

The Democratic National Convention began Monday with a frantic — and failed — attempt to stave off discord and disorganization, as aides to Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders struggled to prevent a prime-time revolt by Sanders allies furious over their candidate’s treatment by the Democratic National Committee.

Enraged Sanders allies shouted down speakers, ignoring appeals from Sanders himself to project unity. Senior Clinton and Sanders aides huddled throughout the evening in the convention center’s boiler room and on the floor, strategizing about how to tamp down the outrage among Sanders’ supporters during the heavy-hitter portion of the evening — expected to feature remarks from Sanders, First Lady Michelle Obama and Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

As speaker after speaker strode to the dais and urged delegates to back Clinton, pro-Sanders delegates chanted “Bernie!” and “No TPP!” a reference to the multinational trade deal that Sanders railed against. The unrest quieted a bit as the evening wore on, but tension simmered below the surface as pro-Sanders delegates scrawled messages on convention signs and vented their frustration to reporters.

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