Ted Cruz speaks at convention, but refuses to endorse Trump

Ted Cruz speaks at convention, but refuses to endorse Trump July 21, 2016

Ted Cruz, who came in second to Donald Trump, was given a speaking slot at the convention, in the name of party unity.  Cruz gave a speech, but he did not endorse Trump.  

Cruz told his listeners to “vote your conscience.”  The crowd booed him loudly.  Another convention stage-managing fail.  And a major fail in achieving party unity.

From Cruz gets booed after he declines to endorse Trump during convention speech – POLITICO

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz declined to endorse Donald Trump on Wednesday night during his prime-time Republican National Convention speech, telling voters to “vote your conscience” in November.

Cruz has remained one of the GOP’s most prominent holdouts even as other former Trump rivals offered tepid endorsements of the controversial Republican nominee. . . .

The audience proceeded to break out in overwhelming boos.

[Keep reading. . .]

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