UK’s new prime minister is Theresa May

UK’s new prime minister is Theresa May July 14, 2016
British prime minister David Cameron stepped down from office after his efforts to keep the United Kingdom in the European Union were voted down.  Under parliamentary systems, the head of the party with a majority in the legislature becomes the Prime Minister.  So the new leader of the Conservative Party and thus the new Prime Minister is Theresa May.  She is the first woman to serve in that office since Margaret Thatcher.  She is also an active member in the Church of England.
I wonder if this heralds a trend of the world’s powerful nations being led by women. . . .May, Merkel, Clinton?  And yet they would have different political beliefs.

Theresa May will become the new prime minister of the United Kingdom.
May was confirmed as the prime minister after her rival, Andrea Leadsom, announced Monday that she was withdrawing from the race.
May will take over after David Cameron resigns on Wednesday. His resignation comes just after voters choose to break from the European Union.
May, who supported the UK’s vote against the EU, will be the first female prime minister since Margaret Thatcher.
“I know some politicians seek high office because they are driven by ideological fervor. I know others seek it for reasons of ambition or glory. My reasons are much simpler. I grew up the daughter of a local vicar and the granddaughter of a regimental sergeant major. Public service has been a part of who I am for as long as I can remember.”
She is a practicing member of the Church of England, but says she likes to keep her personal life private.
“I think it’s right that we don’t flaunt these things here in British politics. But it is a part of me, it’s there and it obviously helps to frame my thinking and my approach.”

[Keep reading. . .]


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