Exorcism as pastoral care

Exorcism as pastoral care August 10, 2016

I came across a long, detailed account of an evangelical pastor who casts out demons.  Not with a rite of exorcism or a laying on of hands, but with a “conversation” in the context of what sounds like ordinary pastoral care.

The pastor, Rev. Karl Payne, has written a book about his experiences and his approach.

Please read the article–excerpted and linked after the jump–and tell me what you think of it.  Have any of you pastors experienced anything similar?  

From Garth Kant, Meet a modern-day pastor who casts out demons:

She was the world’s only fat and ugly fashion model.

Or so she thought. The mirror said otherwise. But no one could convince her.

In reality, she was slender and stunning.

Extremely in demand. Extremely successful. Extremely well paid.

She lived the “good life” so many only dream about – rich, successful and beautiful. But she was bedeviled by an illusion.

She couldn’t see plain reality. Not after all those years of that voice in her head.

The thoughts wouldn’t stop. The voice wouldn’t stop. The lies wouldn’t stop.

What did she hear?

“You are fat and ugly. You’ve got to lose more weight. You are damaged goods. It’s never going to change. You are better off dead. No man is ever going to want you.

Remarkably, this poor, tortured woman had been hearing those voices since she was a child, yet still somehow persevered to become a success. But she was miserable and despondent.

She tried everything. Counseling, therapies, you name it.

Until, one day, at her wits’ end, she tried something completely different.

She showed up on the pastor’s doorstep wearing something decidedly unfashionable: bandages on her wrists.

She had flown in from the big city in utter desperation, just 10 days after a two-week hospitalization following an attempt to end it all.

She walked in an absolute mess, tormented, in despair and at the end of her rope.

She left smiling and in freedom. And never looked back. A dramatically changed and happy woman.

What in the world happened?

Pastor Karl Payne described it to WND as a fairly simple and straightforward case. A typical case. No screaming. No swearing. No projectile vomiting or spinning heads. They just had a conversation.

She was afflicted with demons. He got rid of them.

As he has routinely for patients for three-and-a-half decades. Free of charge.

No big deal. Except to her. And countless others he’s helped.

It’s what he does.

Actually, he would say, “God – through His delegated authority, grace and power – got rid of them.”

Payne maintains he has quietly and routinely worked with demonized patients for all these years without charge because he considers this ministry part of a pastor’s responsibility, when it is necessary.
[Keep reading. . .] 

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