Pastors, have you been asked to do a gay wedding?

Pastors, have you been asked to do a gay wedding? August 23, 2016

There have been about 120,000 same-sex marriages since they were legalized nation-wide last year.  The total number of marriages in 2014 was 2.1 million.  So, assuming similar stats for the previous year, the percentage of gay weddings would be just over 5%.

How many pastors have been asked to perform gay weddings?  According to a new study, 11%.  Presbyterians were asked most often (26%), followed by Lutherans (19%), but I’m pretty sure these would be the liberal denominations in those traditions–the PCUSA, not the PCA; the ELCA, not the LCMS.  Only 1% of Baptist pastors were asked, so gay weddings seem to be largely taking place among mainline liberal protestants.

Of course, same-sex couples are unlikely to ask pastors from churches that don’t recognize gay marriages, which is logical, and they don’t seem to want to make trouble in their weddings, usually asking pastors whom they know.

Read more about the findings after the jump.

Have any of you pastors been asked to do a gay wedding?

From Same-Sex Couples More Likely to Ask Presbyterian Pastors to Marry … | Gleanings |

More than 120,000 same-sex couples have tied the knot since the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage nationwide last year. (The number of American weddings in 2014, by comparison, was more than 2.1 million.)

For preachers, requests to officiate a same-sex wedding remain rare. Just 11 percent of the 1,000 Protestant senior pastors surveyed by LifeWay Research have been asked to perform a same-sex wedding.

Baptist pastors (1%) are the least likely to say they were asked to perform a same-sex wedding. Presbyterian/Reformed pastors (26%) are most likely. Lutherans (19%), Methodists (9%), Christian/Church of Christ (7%), and Pentecostals (6%) fall in between.

[Keep reading. . .]

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