Pope connects gender ideology to economic exploitation

Pope connects gender ideology to economic exploitation August 5, 2016

Pope Francis connected the new gender ideology, according to which children can choose their own gender, to economic exploitation, colonialism, and the destruction of the environment.  What they have in common is the rejection of Creation, both of nature and of human beings made in God’s image.

From Pope Francis: It’s ‘terrible’ children taught they can choose gender – CatholicHerald.co.uk:

Pope Francis has said that what he calls gender theory – “that everyone can choose their own sex” – is “the exact opposite” of God’s creation.

In a meeting with Polish bishops during World Youth Day, whose transcript was released yesterday by the Vatican, the Pope said there were powerful institutions which funded the spread of “gender theory” in schools.

The Pope also said he had discussed the subject with Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, who told his successor: “Your Holiness, we are living in an age of sin against God the Creator.”

Pope Francis said this sin was often given financial backing by “very influential countries”: a form of “ideological colonisation”, the Pope said, which is “terrible.”

The Pope said that one example – “I’ll say it clearly with its first and last name – is gender.”

Francis told the Polish bishops: “Today, children are taught this at school: that everyone can choose their own sex. And why do they teach this? Because the books come from those people and institutions who give money,” he said.

“God created man and woman; God created the world like this and we are doing the exact opposite.”

The Pope connected gender theory with the exploitation of human beings and of the natural world. He suggested that both came from a lack of appreciation of humankind’s God-given dignity. “It is a global problem: the exploitation of creation and the exploitation of people. We are living at a time when humankind as the image of God is being annihilated,” the Pope said.

[Keep reading. . .]

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