The new “Star Trek” captain will be “diverse,” but what “level of diversity”?

The new “Star Trek” captain will be “diverse,” but what “level of diversity”? August 11, 2016

CBS is coming out with a new Star Trek series, starting on its main broadcasting network, but then moving over to its new pay-for-access channel.  An Entertainment Weekly article on the show, based on an interview with the producer, tortures the term “diverse” in ways I hadn’t heard before.

We are told that the commander of the spacecraft will be a “diverse actress.”  [How can an individual be “diverse”?  Is that, like, shizophrenic?  Or just someone with a multi-faceted personality who can play many different parts?  Oh, I guess “diverse” is now a euphemism for a class of people who aren’t white, male heterosexuals.]

But the part has not yet been cast, so the producer didn’t know “what level of diversity” she would be.  [So diversity comes in levels? Is Asian one level, and Hispanic another level?  Is black the highest level?  She is a woman, so that counts, but would making her a lesbian give them a higher level of diversity?  What if she is an Alien?]

From ‘Star Trek’: Major details revealed about new TV show |

The showrunner behind the new Star Trek TV series just revealed alot of fresh information about the new series – including that the upcoming series will focus on a female lead character, likely played by a diverse actress, who will be a lieutenant commander on a starship. . . .

On casting a diverse cast: “Star Trek started with a wonderful expression of diversity in its cast … our lead of the show is going to be subject of that same level, of who’s the best actor and also what can we say about diversity on the show. We haven’t cast her yet, so we don’t know what level of diversity she will be, but that’s forefront in our minds.

[Keep reading. . .]

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