Moral decline update

Moral decline update September 14, 2016

“Radical and aggressive secularism and atheism have replaced religion in virtually every school and throughout public life in America.”  So says Jewish pundit Dennis Prager, who goes on to list some more signs of moral decline and cultural suicide.

From Dennis Prager,  Western Culture – Moral Suicide | National Review:

Some recent developments in the godless West: –The supreme court of Italy last week ruled that public masturbation is legal (except in front of minors).

–The New York city council voted last month to legalize public urination.

–The San Francisco city council decided by one vote to continue the city’s ban on public nudity — not, of course, on the grounds of “decency,” but on the grounds of public health. Since that can easily be resolved by use of a towel on public benches and chairs, it is only a matter of time — probably a couple of years — before people will be permitted to walk around naked in San Francisco.

–A few weeks ago, the city of Charlotte, N.C., instructed its teachers not to refer to their elementary-school students as “boys and girls,” but as “students” and “scholars”(!). The reasons are presumably 1) the need for inclusivity (there might be a student who has no gender identity) and 2) the belief that adults should not impose a gender identity on young people.

–In a New York Times op-ed column, a professor of philosophy noted his shock at learning that most young Americans do not believe that moral truths exist. They are incapable of asserting that anything — including “killing for fun” — is wrong, beyond personal opinion.

 [Keep reading. . .]

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