Bisexuals overtake gays and lesbians in UK

Bisexuals overtake gays and lesbians in UK October 6, 2016

The number of bisexuals has shot up 45%, according to a study in Great Britain.  In fact, more young people now identify as bisexual than gay or lesbian.

If sexual preference is genetic, as we have been told, is some sort of mass mutation taking place?  Or might there be a cultural component to sexual desire?   At any rate, we are now being told that sexual attraction exists “somewhere on a spectrum rather than it being a black-or-white question.”

Just as the transgendered are throwing a monkey-wrench into feminist ideology (which stresses the essential difference between men and women), bisexuals or “pansexuals” are undermining gay ideology (which stresses the essential and immutable nature of homosexual desire).

I would think that bisexuals could be counseled to marry a member of the opposite sex, and told that, yes, you will have many sexual temptations, as everyone does, though you will have them from members of both sexes.  But be faithful to the one you marry.  Or do you think that the assumption that individuals should act on all of their sexual desires will manifest itself in group marriages?  Or in the rejection of marriage completely?

From Bisexual identity overtaking gay and lesbian in Britain, official stats show, London Telegraph:

The number of British people defining themselves as “bisexual” has jumped by 45 per cent in just three years, according new official estimates.

For the first time, more young people in the UK describe themselves as bisexual than gay or lesbian combined, the figures from the Office for National Statistics show.

It is the latest evidence pointing to a shift in attitudes towards sexuality, with increasing numbers viewing their own position as somewhere on a spectrum rather than it being a black-or-white question.

A survey by YouGov published last year found that half of young people, and almost a quarter of the population overall, define themselves as something other than 100 per cent heterosexual.

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