Recount in the rust-belt states?

Recount in the rust-belt states? November 25, 2016

128px-2008recountMNGreen Party presidential candidate Jill Stein is calling for a recount of the votes in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.  She says that some experts tell her that there may be evidence that voting machines were hacked.  Other experts dispute that claim.

As a candidate, Stein is entitled to request a recount, as long as she foots the bill.  She has raised $4.5 million via crowdsourcing.  A recount in Wisconsin would cost $2 million.  She would reportedly need $6-$7 million to contest all three states.  The deadline for recount requests in Wisconsin is Friday; Pennsylvania’s is Monday; and Michigan’s is Wednesday.  See this and this.

If the results in these states could be turned, that would prevent Donald Trump from taking office.

UPDATE:  Wisconsin will have a recount.  Trump won the state by 27,000 votes out of 3 million cast.  The recount, by law, must be completed by December 13.

UPDATE:  The Clinton campaign will participate in the recounts.

UPDATE:  Read this on why hacks and miscounts are unlikely.

Green Party nominee Jill Stein launched a bid Wednesday to seek a vote recount in three key Rust Belt states as pressure builds among liberals to challenge election results.

The Stein campaign said it needed to raise over $2 million by Friday to pay for recounts. That goal was reached by early Thursday morning, and the campaign has now increased the target to $4.5 million.
“Over the last 48-72 hours, reports have come in from experts, cyberexperts, who are reporting to us some very troubling news about the possibility of security breaches in voting results across this country,” Stein campaign manager David Cobb said in a video posted to Stein’s Facebook page Wednesday afternoon.
Stein and others are seeking an audit and recount of the November 8 voting results in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, following reports that voting security experts alerted Hillary Clinton’s campaign to the possibility of hacks in key counties in those states.

[Keep reading. . .]

Photo by Jonathunder (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons

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