Macy’s drops Planned Parenthood

Macy’s drops Planned Parenthood December 13, 2016

256px-Macy's_christmasMacy’s department store no longer funds or matches contributions to Planned Parenthood.  Neither do AT&T, Coca-Cola, Ford, and Xerox.  For a list of big corporations that still do fund the abortion provider, click the link after the jump.

We’ll see if the biggest funder of Planned Parenthood has a similar change of heart:  namely, the United States government.

From Macy’s: We No Longer Donate to Planned Parenthood Abortion Business |

Another large corporation has decided to cease donations to the Planned Parenthood abortion business.

After today, pro-life customers can resume shopping at Macy’s — which had been on a list of corporate contributors to the Planned Parenthood abortion company for some time. But today representatives of a pro-life group that tracks corporate donations to the Planned Parenthood abortion organization says Macy’s has ended his relationship with it.

In the spirit of thankfulness and celebration that comes this time of year, we have a special update to share with you,” Lance Wray of the pro-life group 2nd Vote told in an email.

You may remember how four companies (AT&T, Coca-Cola, Ford, and Xerox) publicly distanced themselves from Planned Parenthood last year after our research exposed forty-one companies with direct financial ties to the abortion giant,” he elaborated. “Well, we are happy to report that we can take another company off that list—Macy’s, who confirmed with 2ndVote last week that they no longer give nor match donations to Planned Parenthood.”

[Keep reading. . .]

HT:  Jackie

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