The Silver Chair will reboot the Narnia movies

The Silver Chair will reboot the Narnia movies May 1, 2017

Plans to film the Chronicles of Narnia are back on, as plans have firmed up for a movie version of the Silver Chair.

This time, the studio producing the movies will be Sony–not Disney, which made the first three but then gave up on the project.  And Sony has taken the huge step of hiring a notable director:  Joe Johnston, who has given us Captain America, Honey, I Shrunk the Kids,  Jumanji, and Jurassic Park III.

There is reportedly a script, by writer David Magee (Life of Pi), but now that a director has been hired it will probably be re-written.  Then comes casting, pre-production, production, post-production. . . .

So exactly when the Silver Chair will come to the silver screen is not known.  But it’s coming!

From Cooper Hood,  Joe Johnston Directing Narnia: Silver Chair | Screen Rant:

The Chronicles of Narnia series reboot has moved forward in a big way with Captain America: The First Avenger director Joe Johnston boarding Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair. Disney and Fox previously brought three installments of the C.S. Lewis fantasy classic to life in the middle of the 2000s, but the franchise met its end after Voyage of the Dawn Treader continued a downward trend for the franchise. However, with the long history of the book series, studios have been eager to move forward with another crack at bringing it to life.

Sony is currently the studio moving forward with plans to bring Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair to the big screen. Now, the film has taken another big step forward with the project officially landing a director.

Variety is reporting that Captain America: The First Avenger director Joe Johnston will be helming the fourth Narnia film, which will ultimately serve as a reboot of the franchise. Unlike the previous films that followed the story of the Pevensie children, The Silver Chair will follow the story of their cousin Eustace Scrubb (previously played by Will Poulter).

[Keep reading. . .]

Read also the story in the Variety.  And see this on the Internet Movie Database.

HT:  Mary Moerbe

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