Puerto Rico votes to become the 51st state

Puerto Rico votes to become the 51st state June 12, 2017


Puerto Rico held a referendum on whether the U.S. Territory should apply for statehood.  Voters overwhelmingly voted “yes.”

A half million voted for statehood, with 7,600 wanting independence and 6,700 wanting to stay a territory.  Three earlier referendums failed to reach any kind of majority, but that was before the severe economic crisis that Puerto Rico is struggling with today.

The referendum isn’t enough to make Puerto Rico a state.  Congress has to make that decision.

Prediction:  The next time the Democrats have a majority in Congress, they will make Puerto Rico the 51st state, being glad to have another state that will vote Democratic, and a Spanish-speaking one at that.

But, on the merits, do you think we should add Puerto Rico’s star to the flag?  Aren’t “territories” remnants of a colonial past that we really shouldn’t’ have anymore?

From Danica Coto, Puerto Rican voters back statehood in questioned referendum – Associated Press, The Washington Post:

Puerto Rico’s governor announced that the U.S. territory overwhelmingly chose statehood on Sunday in a nonbinding referendum held amid a deep economic crisis that has sparked an exodus of islanders to the U.S. mainland.

Nearly half a million votes were cast for statehood, about 7,600 for free association/independence and nearly 6,700 for the current territorial status, according to preliminary results. Voter turnout was just 23 percent, leading opponents to question the validity of a vote that several political parties had urged their supporters to boycott.

And the U.S. Congress has final say in any changes to Puerto Rico’s political status.

But that didn’t stop Gov. Pedro Rossello from vowing to push ahead with his administration’s quest to make the island the 51st U.S. state and declaring that “Puerto Rico voted for statehood.” He said he would create a commission to ensure that Congress validate the referendum’s results.

[Keep reading. . .]

Photograph by Arturo de La Barrera, Banderas de Puerto Rico y USA Ondeando, Flickr, Creative Commons License

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