Payroll tax cut conundrum

Payroll tax cut conundrum December 8, 2011

An issue is before Congress that has both Republicans and Democrats tied up in ideological knots.  Republicans oppose deficit spending.  They also are in favor of tax cuts.  Democrats are usually fine with government spending, which they are willing to finance with higher taxes.  So what do they do about extending the payroll tax cuts?

Part of President Obama’s stimulus package was to cut the amount people have to pay into social security, thus adding some dollars to their paychecks.

Now that provision is expiring, and the Obama administration wants to extend it.  But some Republicans are arguing that social security is already being starved and is headed for bankruptcy.  So it isn’t responsible to just take even more out of social security funding.

So now Democrats, including the President, are accusing Republicans of wanting to increase taxes!

See Republicans split on Democratic plan to extend payroll tax cut – The Washington Post.

What would be the statesman-like thing to do, as opposed to the political-rhetoric thing to do?

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