The coming liberal utopia

The coming liberal utopia October 23, 2008

Though some polls show the race tightening, many liberals are expecting a Reaganesque landslide and fantasizing about what they accomplish with a huge House majority and a filibuster-proof Senate. Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter hails the new era of liberalism that is on the verge of being born. From The Country is Heading Leftward:

If Obama moves “smart left” next year, he will have succeeded in rewriting the American social contract—the obligations of the government to the people on the economy, energy, health care and education. But if we see a revival of the dumb left with old-fashioned capitulation to interest groups and a series of rookie mistakes on foreign policy, even a big Democratic victory next month would be a speed bump on the Ronald Reagan highway.

Most voters are neither Limbaugh dittoheads nor ACORN activists. They’re pragmatic centrists who decided they liked Obama when he reminded them more of Will Smith than Jesse Jackson. They liked that he tried to calm their fears rather than express their anger. But this election is about something deeper than temperament. When people are scared, whether it’s after 9/11 or heading into a recession, they turn to government for protection. Cultural issues like gay marriage and resentment of elites fade. Even though voters don’t trust Washington any more than Wall Street, it’s their only option.

The question for the new president then becomes not whether he’s moving too fast but too slow. The test becomes whether he can use the powers of government to act on behalf of the American people. That is a fundamentally liberal idea.

So we’ll be back to big government, social engineering, and vast programs to improve everyone’s lives. And giving liberals control of every part of the government will mean NOTHING can stop them. I have heard it said that they won’t have any money for their schemes, but that shows a lack of awareness of liberal economics. The left will rule, and rule they will. I hope America is ready for what is about to happen.

(Liberal readers, I don’t intend to vilify you. I don’t intend “liberal” to be an insult. It will soon be the highest praise, and “conservative” will be the view that dares not state its name. You will soon get everything you want politically. I congratulate you.)

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