TV ads vs. boots on the ground

TV ads vs. boots on the ground August 28, 2012

Which do you think is more effective in a political campaign?  Having lots of campaign workers and volunteers organized in key districts, knocking on doors, working the phones, handing out flyers, and getting out the vote?  Or running lots and lots of television ads?

We’re going to see which strategy works better.  The Obama campaign is concentrating on having lots of boots on the ground.  Currently the Democrats have three times more campaign workers than the Republicans do, and they are setting up tight regional and local organizations.  The Romney campaign, flush with money, has decided to concentrate its efforts instead on  television ads.

So, how much do you enjoy political ads?  Do you think the rest of the country appreciates them more than you do?  (Another reason for what DonS so aptly terms my legendary pessimism!)

See  Obama campaign is depending on a strong ground game against Romney – The Washington Post.

See also this.

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