If you lose your job, the car companies will pick up your payments

If you lose your job, the car companies will pick up your payments April 1, 2009

In some depression-era marketing, Ford and GM have announced a program wherein if you buy a new car and then lose your job, the companies will cover your car payments:

Under Ford’s plan, customers that purchase a new car or truck between Tuesday and June 1 and subsequently lose their job through no fault of their own, will have Ford make their monthly payments for up to one year. The maximum monthly payment Ford will make is $700 — customers would have to make up the difference for payments exceeding that amount. That amount would cover the monthly payment of a $30,000 to $40,000 vehicle depending on interest rates, down payment and trade in value. . . .

GM’s program is similar, but comes with different terms. The company will make customer payments, up to $500, for nine months in the event of job loss. GM officials said that program would be offered to consumers purchasing cars in April.

I’ll bet the companies will make a lot of sales to their own autoworkers.


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