Cavemen were pro-life

Cavemen were pro-life April 2, 2009

Anthony Sacramone at Strange Herring reports that a skull was discovered of a caveman child that had significant deformities, indicating that the child was profoundly handicapped. And yet the child lived until he was five years old. That means that his parents gave him extensive care, proving that these allegedly primitive life forms had compassion and love for their children. That’s interesting but hardly surprising for those of us who believe in universal human values. But the best part of the post is Mr. Sacramone’s headline: New Evidence Suggests that Cavemen Were More Compassionate Than Average Ivy League Ethics Professor.

His point is that “primitive” humans struggling for survival had love and compassion for their children; Ivy League Ethics Professors such as Princeton’s Peter Singer favor euthanasia of the handicapped, as well as, of course, abortion for unwanted children.

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