A liberal changes his mind on the Tea Party

A liberal changes his mind on the Tea Party June 18, 2014

The liberal MNSBC commentator Chris Matthews has declared, “”This looking down our noses at tea party people has got to stop.”  He says they have legitimate grievances and are responding to the corruption and dysfunction of the government just like Eastern Europeans did under Communism.

From Tony Lee, Chris Matthews: We Must Stop ‘Looking Down Our Noses at the Tea Party’.

A day after Brat ousted Cantor in a race that blindsided the often conventional and lethargic mainstream media in their backyard (the mainstream press missed the biggest upset of their political lives in a district that was a two-hour drive from them), Matthews declared that the elites in the media had to stop looking down on the Tea Party movement.

On MNSBC on Wednesday, Matthews said he was listening to Brat, a college economics professor, speak after the race and felt, “he’s certainly up to the ranks of most politicians I’ve ever dealt with. He speaks in a speculative manner and an intellectual manner. He can handle any debate on this program or my program.”

“This looking down our noses at tea party people has got to stop,” Matthews said. “They have a message, they’re as American as any liberal is, and they’re really angry about the failure of the system.”

He also said working Americans are frustrated at the “complete corruption” of government just like workers in Eastern Europe were against corrupt communist regimes before the Berlin Wall came down.

“We can’t control the deficit, we can’t control the debt, we can’t control the border. What is government good at?” Matthews said. “And that’s the question that’s happened on every issue we’ve covered on our show.”


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