The new Star Wars trailer

The new Star Wars trailer November 29, 2014

It won’t be released until about this time next year–December 15, 2015–but a trailer has been released for Star Wars Episode 7:  The Force Returns.  The movie will pick up the story of the galaxy far, far away beginning 30 years AFTER Return of the Jedi.  It will feature some of the same actors, 30 years older, who starred in that 1983 masterpiece, including Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker, Harrison Ford as Hans Solo, and Carry Fisher as Leia.  The director is J. J. Abrams, which should be promising.

So as a public service for those of you who, like me, are hungry for fun movies (we saw Interstellar yesterday, which was interesting but fell way short of fun), I am posting the Star Wars 7 trailer after the jump.

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